Bass Guitar Chord Chart

Tony Grey Bass Academy

A bass guitar chord chart is a good way for a player of any age level to work their skills and practice playing their instrument. Anyone can pick up a guitar, strum the strings and make some form of sound. It isn’t until you learn hundreds of chords, know how to place your fingers and work both of your hands in unison that you can transform random strumming of the strings into beautiful music.

There are several components of a bass guitar chord chart. First, the chord chart will be designed for a dominant hand. Usually, this is the right hand. Some charts allow a switch for left handed players, as the direction you strum the guitar greatly changes the sounds that come from it. As many bass guitar chord charts are displayed so you can compare with what you are doing, someone who is left handed will have great difficulty using a chart designed for those whom are right handed.

A good bass guitar chord chart will clearly show the strings and the standard layout of the fingerboard, as well as where you need to place your fingers. The notes this corresponds to will be commonly written out below the chart, though occasionally all you will be given is the name of the chord. As many songs are a combination of various chords, knowing as much of each chord as possible will help you master your instrument faster.

Do not be ashamed if you have difficulties mastering a bass guitar chord chart, or tying several chord charts together. Beginners need to focus on slowly strumming the correct chords, which requires practice. While many want to begin playing beautiful, challenging music immediately, the basics need to be learned. If you are tired of just practicing the various chords and ensuring you are playing the correct sound, slowly alternate which chords you play. This will help you create basic music, and can keep your interest live.

Even with the help of a bass guitar chord chart, you will never master the bass guitar unless you practice and use different charts and resources. Do not be afraid to experiment with your instrument. A great deal of the learning process is finding out just what your instrument can do. The more you play, the more fun you will have, which will make the required aspects of learning less of a job and more of a variant on your fun practices.

Decoding The Bass Guitar